*~Buddy List~*
The Rabbit Hole

Buddy List


Pics Jr.



S'more Quizzes

Lotsa Quizzes

I Love Links


Well im gonna list all muh palz in aphabetical order so whoevers last wont complain and all that BS. And I piss on all those stupid ppl that hate me out there!plus muh mommie said u were jealous.Anyway, here we go!
ALEX- hiya muh leapord fabric loving friend! Hey maybe u can gimme a makeover! u can TRY to but i dunno if it'll wrk!!!Say HI to Jen!
ANAIS-ahola Anius! We should play barbies again sometime! SPOOOOOOOON GUAAAAAAARD!
BIANCA- My long lost twin. I finally found you. And im not gonna lose you to your stupid high school! Teach me how to play the drums!!!
BRITTANY- What's crakin my jigga nigga? You live so close next to me and I didn't even realize it until this year...I'm gonna come knock knockin on your door soon you slut. :o) Heh heh heh.
JEANETTE- hey hoE!Here's to a gurl who wont take ne ones shit. She wont even smell my shit!Thaz ok i still luv ya but i luv Honey more!
LEIGH- I cant' beleive we went to the same skool and NOT kno eachother!!! Well i'll c u in habbo! We WERE obsuessed!
SABY- Allo Blode! Keepin that pot of gold safe?! Luv ya!Keep on drawin! I will forever be your body guard!
SARA S.- Oink Oink i'm a cop! Let's all stay away from freakin fly and freakin giant! and that wannabe Balien. br>

And to that bitch of a teacher that still wouldnt give up our notebook! YA I KNOW UR OUT THERE! sittin on ur couch eating sour cream by the bucket and READIN OUR NOTEBOOK!
