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S'more Quizzes

Lotsa Quizzes

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I'm addicted to online quizes.These r sum of the quizes i've taken. just click on em if u wanna take them.

Yeah! I'm red muh fav color!

Which PPG are you?
  You are Harley Barbie! You don't asocciate with "sophisticate" barbie and never "nsync #1 fan" barbie, but you know who your friends are and you do what you want. Plus, you have a kick ass motorcycle.

Your Sakura! Your sweet, innocent, sometimes very naive, and very caring. You are the Clow Cards' Mistress.
You are a Cheerleader and very cheery. You love all of your friends especially that special guy!
Anime Girl are you?

This one REALLY fits me!

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

This is my FF character

You are Yuuki Miaka

You love food, boys, and hate studying. However, you are tying to make your family happy by tyring your hardest to do things that are too hard. Often, when things get really tough, you depend on your friends to bail you out. You trust in others to do what is best, even when they often dissappoint you. Your greatest need is loyalty, and it is also your greatest asset.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz


Theres lots more! continue on to s'more quizies!